How to use Schisandra berry extract three easy ways

A bottle of Schisandra berry extract is a key item in my herb cupboard. This adaptogenic powerhouse plant is great when I need a pick-me-up. This post explains how to use Schisandra berry extract in three easy ways.

Buying a bottle of extract is a great place to start, but what next? Putting a serving in a small amount of water and doing it like a shot only gets you so far. That gets old, fast. Here are a few other options.

How to use Schisandra berry extract

First things first. How much should you use?

Did you buy your extract from the store? If so, the directions should be printed right on the label! Because the strength of store-bought extracts can vary from brand to brand, it’s important to use each brand’s guidelines. Herb Pharm is the brand I use when I don’t have time to make my own.

If you make your extract at home, here’s what I do. I make a 1:5 extract with powdered Schisandra berries. A serving size is one-half to one teaspoon, and I use that up to three times a day. Most sources will list mL as the preferred measurement, but a teaspoon is more convenient than using a dropper for homemade extracts. Theres a wide margin of safety with adaptogens, and this method works well for me.

Now you have an idea of how much to use. Here’s how to use Schisandra berry extract in three easy ways!

Schisandra berry instant syrup

We all know the song about “A spoonful of sugar. . . ” And that’s very true about herbs, too. Not everyone comes to herbalism and says, “Yum, delicious!” I get it. Schisandra berry has a palatable taste compared to some other plants, but if you’re still not a fan, this is a good option.

This is the ultimate easy syrup hack. Combine one ounce of Schisandra berry extract with 1/2 cup of honey. If you prefer, you can also use brown rice syrup. One serving is 1/2 teaspoon of syrup. Yes, it really is that easy.

FYI, the berries make a great ingredient in more traditional syrup recipes! This elderberry syrup recipe I made is a great example.

Five flavor fizz

Sometimes, I want something to sip while I write. Schisandra berry is perfect for this because of the way it supports concentration and mental acuity without the jitters from something like coffee.

Simply add a serving of extract to your fizzy water of choice. You can experiment with different flavors, too. This herb usually plays well with other berries. I also love it with lavender.

Instant Schisandra cider

Apple cider has strong enough flavors to carry Schisandra berry extract. This is a nice thing to sip on cold days. To make it, add a packet of your favorite instant cider to a mug of hot water.

Add a serving of Schisandra berry extract. Stir the cider to help the extract disperse. Drink it while it’s warm for extra cozy points.


Now you know- you don’t have to let your bottle of extract stare you down because you’re tired of taking it in a little water. You can try it as a syrup, as a fizz, or as an instant tea instead.

Herbalist and Writer | Related Articles

A freelance writer and herbalist since 2011, Agatha is dedicated to creating an online reader and listener supported platform supporting her work as an herbalist. Her focus in herbalism includes sustainable agriculture, community wellness and accessibility, and botanical conservation.

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